Always keep a paper trail…

Here are some tips on how to keep yourself organized through the revolving door of doctor offices/hospitals

  1. Log all your appointments in either your phone calendar or a hand written agenda

  2. Save your doctors phone numbers in your phone, to avoid missing calls from numbers you don’t recognize

    *This is something that is SUPER helpful, and can alleviate stress. Looking up your doctors numbers every time you need to book an appointment adds another step that can cause more anxiety than you realize! Also, having caller ID can help you mentally prepare for each phone call you answer.

  3. Keep all prescription forms. This can help you keep a record and timeline of what you have already taken when being prescribed a new medication.

  4. Keep a record of what drugs you have taken, when, and for how long. It is important to write down how well something worked for your body.

  5. Create a daily/weekly journal to monitor your pain. It can be hard to think on the fly about your different levels of pain in any given week. You want to be able to backtrack.

  6. Write down a list of questions you need/want to ask prior to your appointments and bring it WITH YOU. Appointments can be overwhelming and you can be made to feel rushed. Prepare yourself so that you leave with everything you wanted to get out of the appointment

  7. Triple check all appointment dates/times and always give yourself ample time to arrive/park/fill out forms.

    *This seems straight forward, but when you’ve been to so many appointments without change, you can begin to dread them, thus causing you to delay/run late for appointments

  8. If your are menstruating, log your ovulation days, length of cycle, and any sensations/pain levels in accordance to your cycle.

  9. If appointments tend to put an emotional toll on you, try to schedule a relaxing evening afterward or add something you love into your routine that day.

  10. Bring someone for support or to advocate for you. If you have a partner that is able to, they should be there too.


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